Meet the Team

Trish Boes

Hi I'm Trish!

I consider myself a global citizen, I was originally born just outside Melbourne in Australia to an Indonesian mother and Dutch father, and I now live in the San Francisco Bay Area. I’ve traveled around the world and love experiencing new cultures, especially the food, customs, and people! I love people and have always been interested in education and continuing to grow and develop oneself. My dad taught me the biggest life lesson, always be curious and always keep learning. Prior to founding UnlimitMe, I’ve spent almost 2 decades building dynamic leadership programs that support inclusion, connection and authentic empowerment, and have delivered workshops to thousands of people globally.

What does being unlimited mean to you?

I see being unlimited as knowing yourself, trusting yourself, and loving yourself no matter what. It’s also about recognizing that we always have choices, and that we don’t have to feel bound by our circumstances or beliefs about the world and what is possible. We get to write our own story, create the impact we want, and keep growing, learning and taking bold action.

Why do you want to be part of UnlimitMe?

UnlimitMe is the company I wished I had when I was younger. Born to immigrant parents, I was the first person in my family to get a university degree, and my life trajectory taught me that just getting a degree isn’t enough. We need to know and understand who we are at the core level, and give ourselves permission to live our big dreams. I didn’t have the support I needed to see the full picture back then, which is why I want to pay it forward and help out our next generation of leaders.

What would you like your personal impact on the world to be?

That everybody recognizes and embraces the magic of who they are, so that they can feel empowered to spread love and make a positive impact in this world. I want this for myself. I want this for you. And most of all I want this to be my legacy for my daughter.

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Pranay Gupta Founder
Pranay Gupta

Hi, I am Pranay!

A little about me, I grew up in a small town of Bhopal in India. Fascinated by traveling the world and learning different cultures, I have lived in a couple of countries and a few cities. I have paid my own way since I was 18 including my school and supporting my mum. I have done many, many jobs: from running a furnace, health care assistant to the elderly, to being part of great teams at ground 0 and building multi-million dollar businesses. I have failed more than I have succeeded which has given me the confidence to try new things. I am a lifelong student of life, I live with curiosity and am always open to learning new things like building this venture out.

My Mantra: “What is the worst that can happen?”

What does being unlimited mean to you?

To me being unlimited means always being curious about life, understanding that change is constant, taking conscious actions, being resilient, and living a life of gratitude and love.

Why do you want to be part of UnlimitMe?

UnlimitMe is my vehicle to give back to the world. It is our belief that everyone has unique gifts, and given the right environment everyone has the capacity to shine. I am very grateful to all of the experiences that I have had in life and for everyone that has helped me to grow, so now I feel it's my turn to help others.

What would you like your personal impact on the world to be?

Making education more inclusive. Our education system has always shined a light on intellectual curiosity, but I feel it's now time to normalize emotional curiosity and understanding as well.

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