Hi, we're UnlimitMe!

We support next generation leaders to build connection, boost performance, embrace inherent worth and elevate mental wellbeing.

We partner with colleges, educators and athletic departments
We partner with colleges, educators and athletic departments

We partner with colleges, high schools, educators, families and athletic departments to support their students through our unique programs.

Some of the biggest struggles facing students today are:

  • Rising mental wellbeing issues
  • Lack of confidence and self-worth
  • Difficulty understanding identity
  • Burnout and exhaustion
  • Trouble navigating relationships & social dynamics
  • Increasing performance pressure
We are here to help

We are here to help. To overcome these issues we need to work together.

What have students said after working with us?

of students feel more connected to others after completing our program
of students feel more empowered and have greater clarity about their future
of students feel more self aware and connected to themselves

We provide an ecosystem of experiential learning opportunities that includes:

Interactive group sessions

These tackle specific themes that break down barriers of limitation and provide a deeper understanding of who you truly are and how you can have the impact you want.

Community of student peers

Connect with a diverse range of students that can provide different perspectives and an interactive forum to discuss important topics.

1:1 Calls

Our calls help you deep dive into crucial themes or topics that are personal to you so you can feel more empowered and unlimited.

Programs designed to achieve goals

Our programs have evolved over two decades, meticulously crafted through our “3C” 3 levels of connection methodology. Initially embraced by high-performing athletes, they are now accessible to anyone seeking to cultivate a foundational mindset that fosters meaningful impact with optimal wellbeing. Our focus centers on unlocking three pivotal skills, which serve as the bedrock for a lifetime of success, satisfaction, and happiness with these key outcomes:

Greater connection to yourself

Becoming more self-aware, empowered and resilient in order to overcome limitations, build healthy wellbeing practices, and perform at your best.

Greater connection to others

Increased social emotional skills to build mutually beneficial relationships that last a lifetime.

Purposeful connection to the world

Clear vision and strategies to show up powerfully and affect change in not just your life, but the lives of everyone around you.

College partnerships

College partnerships

At UnlimitMe, we collaborate with colleges and universities at the forefront of emerging education. We know it takes a village to fully support students, especially as the world is evolving, and there is a greater need for conscious leaders.

We want to support your existing curriculum and learning initiatives by sharing our innovative programs that empower students with social emotional tools that can allow them to navigate through all life stages with ease.

What our clients say